How to make a Wired Remote Control Robot

This post will guide you in making a wired remote control robot.

What you will need:
DC motors - any RPM (preferably 100 RPM)
DPDT Switches (x2)
DPDT switch holder
A 6mm wooden plank
L clamps
12v battery
Multi core wire strips

How to make it:

  • Using a soldering iron and a lead, solder wires to the terminals of your motors as per the polarity.
  • Now take a 200x100x6 wooden plank and mark 4 corners of the plank. And also at any point on the plank make a hole of 12mm diameter using a drill in order to make a passage for the motor wires.
  • Attach L clamps at the 4 corners of the chassis in such a way that they should form a regular rectangle.
  • Fix DC motors in the clamps and now fix the wheels to the shafts of the DC motors.
Now you're done with the body of the robot.

  • Take 2 DPDT switches and make a circuit as shown below using soldering iron. Make sure that the length of the wires that you're using is at least 1m long.

  • Attach all the wires on to the robot body and also fix a battery at the center of the body.
  • Power the robot using the battery and then push both the DPDT switches in forward direction. You'll observe that robot is moving forward.

How it works:

DPDT stands for Double Pole Double Throw and this is a switch that has 2 inputs and 4 outputs. Each input in a DPDT switch has 2 corresponding outputs. In this case, left switch controls the left side of the robot and right switch controls the right side of the robot.

Whenever the left switch is pushed forward such that the left motor turn in the counter clock wise direction and when it is pressed in backward direction, the left motor turns in clockwise direction. Similarly, the right motor turns in clockwise direction when the switched is pressed in forward direction and turns in counter clockwise direction when pushed backward which is exactly opposite to the other side.

This way motion in robot is obtained using the DPDT switches.

Now try it on your own by pressing both the switches in forward direction and backward direction simultaneously, you could see the robot moving forward and backward. For achieving left and right turns, press right switch and left switch respectively.

If you want the turning time to be very low push the switches in opposite ways and you’ll be able to observe the change in motion of the robot.


Check out this Video:

